The Revolutionary Dating Trend That’s Changing Everything

The Revolutionary Dating Trend That’s Changing Everything

The prevalence of dating apps has led to a redefined view of intimacy in modern society. This has resulted in a new ‘hook-up culture’ of self-performance and instant gratification.

But amidst all this swiping and DMing, some people are experiencing burnout. It’s time to change things up again. Here are some dating trends that could help, like the “dating roster” trend.

Slide Into The DMs

One of the most well-known dating trends in recent years is “sliding into the DMs.” This is the act of sending a direct message to someone you’re interested in, usually for romantic purposes. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with this type of communication, it is important to do so respectfully and with caution. This is especially true if you’re trying to slide into the DMs of someone with a large following or public profile, as it can be difficult to get a response from them.

So how do you successfully slide into the DMs? For starters, it’s important to avoid using too many emoticons or text-speak. This can come across as desperate and a little creepy, so it’s best to keep it simple. A few compliments, an inviting question or two, and a bit of friendly banter can help you break the ice. Just be careful not to bombard them with messages or double-text, as this can be a turnoff.

Another key tip is to avoid using any type of body-shaming language. Instead of commenting on their physique, try to focus on more interesting aspects of their personality or skillset. This will show that you’re genuinely interested in them and can also make them feel comfortable. You should also avoid bringing up any embarrassing details from their past, as this can quickly turn into a full-on stalking situation.

Finally, remember that it’s important to listen to her cues. If she doesn’t reply or replies with one-word responses, this could be a sign that she’s not interested in going any further. On the other hand, if she’s responding with lots of exclamation points or emojis, this could be a good indication that she’s interested in taking things further.

If you’re looking for a way to spice up your relationships, be sure to check out our guide on How To Sliding Into The DMs With Confidence. With a little practice, you’ll be able to master this revolutionary dating trend in no time!


In the world of dating, terms like ghosting, breadcrumbing, and situationships are well known, but there’s a new trend called throning that’s gaining popularity among Gen Z. It involves seeking out partners mainly for their status and popularity rather than valuing them as people. As a result, throning can be emotionally damaging to both parties involved.

According to relationship expert Siddharrth Kumaar, throning “involves dating someone who, via association, enhances one’s reputation and ego”. He goes on to explain that this trend is essentially a modern spin on the classic gold-digging strategy. The motivation behind throning can be rooted in a desire for social validation, access to exclusive social circles, a boost in self-esteem, or increased social media influence.

Throning can be harmful because it can lead to shallow relationships that lack strong foundations of trust and friendship, ultimately leaving both parties feeling used. It can also cause jealousy and resentment in both partners, which could ultimately lead to a toxic and explosive breakup. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, it’s important to look beyond surface level traits such as appearance and popularity.

A healthy relationship is based on mutual love, respect, and responsibility. Throning can provide short-term happiness, but it can’t deliver the lasting fulfilment that true love brings.

If you’re a victim of throning, it’s important to speak up and make it clear to your partner that you’re not interested in them for their status or popularity. You can even consider separating from them completely. If you’re a person who’s doing the throning, try to focus on establishing an emotional connection with your partner.

Whether you’re into the latest dating trends or not, there’s always room for genuine connection and meaningful conversations. So, take a step back and listen to your heart the next time you meet someone and remember that there is no substitute for true happiness. Good luck!

Money-Sharing Apps

There’s no doubt that a whole new generation is redefining dating—and money-sharing apps like Venmo and PayPal are playing a major role in this shift. These apps allow users to send, request and receive money from friends, family or acquaintances with a tap. While the majority of users are individuals, businesses also use these services to facilitate payments.

The apps’ popularity is due in part to the fact that they make it easy to pay for things such as groceries, dinner dates or tickets to a concert or sporting event. The ease-of-use and convenience also makes it simple for users to stay on top of their finances. Moreover, the fact that users can choose their level of privacy is a big draw for some. This feature also helps users avoid overspending or making late payments.

In addition to its convenience, the popularity of these money-sharing apps is also driven by a desire among young people to connect through socially responsible activities. According to a recent study, more and more people are seeking out romance that is meaningful and has a positive impact on society. This could be in the form of volunteering or taking part in activism. In many cases, these experiences help singles to feel more confident in their relationship.

However, as these trends continue to develop, some are starting to yearn for the good old days of meet-cutes and serendipity. Some singles are even attempting to circumvent dating apps altogether and find love in the real world. For example, a Japanese man recently married a hologram.


Ghosting is a new addition to the dictionary, only having been added in 2017, but it’s already a huge part of modern dating. It’s the act of disappearing from a relationship without any notice, communication or explanation. And while it’s most commonly used in romantic relationships, it can happen in all sorts of connections and even at work.

People might ghost for a lot of reasons, but the one most often cited is that they don’t want to have an open and honest discussion about their feelings because it feels too difficult or too risky. It can also be because of their own personal issues they are dealing with, or it could be an attempt to hurt someone.

The problem with this is that it can leave the ghosted person confused, sad and feeling worthless. They may feel like they did something to deserve being ghosted, or that it’s their fault for wanting more. And while it can be hard to know what to do if you’ve been ghosted, the best thing is to try to remember that they’re probably just as confused, sad and hurt as you are.

It can feel particularly bad when you’re ghosted by someone you really care about or have had a significant connection with. This is because the act of ghosting can make you question everything about your relationship and start to doubt whether it was ever real to begin with. It’s a hugely damaging and dehumanizing experience, and it shouldn’t be considered acceptable or normal.

However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to address the root cause of the behavior and encourage more honesty and transparency in our relationships. There are also some situations in which it may actually be necessary to ghost, such as if a person is dangerous or abusive, and we should always put our own safety first.

With the rise of these modern dating trends, it’s important to stay aware of what they are and how they might be impacting our interactions with others. And while the terms breadcrumbing, Caspering and ghosting are cute slang for some of today’s bad behaviors, it’s still wrong to treat other people this way.

Posted by Thomas Callaghan

I hold a degree in Marine Biology and have spent years conducting fieldwork, from the coral reefs of the Pacific to the deep trenches of the Atlantic. My work focuses on understanding the intricate relationships within marine ecosystems and the impact of human activity on these fragile environments.